if you got re-directed here by my email, thank you so much for coming! and buckle up, babe, cuz it's a long one.
hi, readers. this is your first official SUZLETTER! let's get into it:
🌤️ I have perfected my ramen recipe. meaning, I have totally pimped out regular top ramen using a few techniques I've stolen from online, and the final result is KILLER. like, unbelievably good. 🍜 let me know if you want it... maybe I'll do a mini cooking show :O
🌤️ entertainment biz update... I did ADR for the first time! for the layperson, ADR, or automated dialogue replacement, is where you re-record dialogue for a film in a quieter setting. 🎤
I had to ADR some of my scenes for an INCREDIBLE short film I starred in in April (see April blog post), and this means that the final result is very near. stay tuned!! 🔫🌵☀️
🌤️ THE BACKGROUND BOOKINGS WERE ON FIRE. I worked as an extra on so many amazing gigs this month: film, television, and commercial.
I take a LOT of pride in background work, and don't take a single day for granted. it is a dream to be paid and fed well, while working alongside fellow creatives. 🎥✨
🌤️ let's zoom in to one of those amazing gigs, shall we? 🔍 this was a new show by a very famous comedian-actor-writer-director. I got to work on it for six whole days...
...and I got a stunt bump.
...that's extra pay for being involved in a stunt with the lead actor. 🫢
possibly more exciting than that: the scenes we were shooting happened to be VERY GLAM, and the wardrobe department put me in, wait for it...
Louboutins. (pronounced LOO-bit-on)
for the layperson... you know how Cardi B famously raps, "these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes?" she is referring to Christian Louboutins and their iconic red soles. a pair of them go for around $1500.
(they hurt like hell. but damn, I looked good, and felt rich and powerful)
(see photo) (check the red soles!!!!) 👠
🌤️ let's zoom in a little closer there, shall we, and take a good look into my psyche... 🧠
I wanna talk more about clothes and appearance. one thing I have been navigating in this crazy Actor Life™️ is: major self-consciousness and body dysmorphia, especially when I'm on set, in front of cameras, and around tons of women whose appearances are more closely aligned with "The Beauty Standard." or as I like to call it, The BS. you get me?
I'm talking about size-zero mactresses (models/actresses).
let me be clear: I think I'm bloody gorgeous, mate. I am stunningly beautiful and I have delusionally high self-esteem. so it's pretty wild how quickly my brain turns into a self-conscious, fat-shaming chatterbox when I'm faced with this scenario.
and it's not just fat-shaming... I worry about every. blessed. thing. from head to toe: my hair, my face, my nose, my knees, every blessed mark and freckle on my skin...
and here's the thing about acting, and BACKGROUND acting in particular: someone is choosing your clothes for you. someone is doing your hair and your makeup for you and then placing you in the shot. and it's not necessarily the clothes you would ever pick, or the usual way you might do your hair or makeup. sounds fun, right?
...not when your knee-jerk reaction to passing by a reflection is to think, "YIKES CITY! do I really look like that??" 🥺
I know, I know. it ain't all about me. (...isn't it though?) 😇 especially when I'm supposed to be in the background.
but this is the suzletter, and these are my #deepthoughts.
and we all know I ain't gonna be in background forever... 🚀✨💫⭐️
thusly, I am on a spiritual mission: to remedy my self-consciousness by establishing a ritual for staying cool, calm, and CONFIDENT on set.
I am beautiful, and more important than that: I am worthy. I am an actress! I got this!!!!!
MOVIES I SAW THIS MONTH + mini reviews
🍿 In A Violent Nature
you all know I LOVE horror, and I was really excited for this one but... meh.
🍿 Inside Out 2
I cried, not exaggerating, from the moment I parked at the theatre until hours afterwards.
🍿 Furiosa
...I'm really sorry everyone, but... I walked out.
I don't walk out of movies. I have only ever walked out of a movie theatre one other time: during You Don't Mess With The Zohan, lol.
sorry Furiosa, but I do not care to watch vehicles going fast, or to listen to loud revving engines for two and a half hours, and like who even are these characters...? are the white-painted guys good guys or bad guys?!
even Miss Anya Taylor-Joy, for whom I have the utmost respect, could not make me care.
disclaimer: I didn't set myself up for success with this one. I have not seen any Mad Max films before, and also... I double-featured Furiosa right after watching Inside Out 2 😬 so maybe it just wasn't quite the vibe my body was ready for, since I was freshly emotionally wrecked (thanks, Pixar!).
apparently this is very controversial. I had some fellow actors tell me that walking out of this movie means that I "do not care about great cinema..." 😂 so, if you wanna fight about it, you can email me 🙂
if you made it this far... you rock out loud 🤘🏻 I know this was a longie.
I promise I'll TRY to make the next one a shortie... 😇
leave a comment or shoot me an email if you read everything!! you just might be my biggest fan 😎
see you at the end of July!
Midsummer Scream Film Festival, here we come!!
Yes, you’re gonna be the star someday. And about those red soles we all know… wow, I’ve never even tried a pair. Lucky girl, even if they hurt. And Ramen cooking? Okay, bring it on, I’m listening, love, Marsha
That was so fun to read! <3 happy for you. Love ya -Gaura